‘Hail to you great god, lord of the Two Truths. I have arrived before you, my lord. One brings me to you so that I may see your beauty. I know you. I know your name. I know the names of the forty-two gods who exist with you, in this broad Hall of the Two Truths, who live on the protectors of evil, (and) who swallow their blood (on) this day of reckoning (their) characters in the presence of Wennefer. Behold, the two daughters whom his two eyes love - lord of truth is your name.

[Extract from Chapter 125 : Spell for ‘Going forth from the earth’/ An Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead/ The Papyrus of Sobekmose]

200 x 300 cm, Screenprint on indigo dyed linen, screenprint applications, embroidery, hand stitched
, 2023


‘Maat is in my belly with the turquoise (and) faience of its monthly festival. This field of mine is lapis lazuli in his festival. I am the Nun who makes the darkness shine bright. I have made the akh my-demons fall. Those who were in the darkness worship me. I have made the mourners stand whose faces were hidden (and) who were weary.’

[Extract from Chapter 80: mention of the power to bring on sunlight and darkness/ An Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead/ The Papyrus of Sobekmose]

160x176cm, Indigo dyed linen & screenprint, screenprint applications, embroidery, hand stitched, 2021


‘I am the one who shines, the one who is above the district of the sky. I go forth to the sky. I climb upon the sun’s rays. O, I am weary, I am weary, (yet) I proceed.'

[Extract from Chapter 74 : Spell for ‘Going forth from the earth’/ An Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead/ The Papyrus of Sobekmose]

247 x 315 cm, Screenprint on indigo dyed linen, screenprint applications, embroidery, hand stitched
, 2023


‘I have opened the doors of truth. I have passed the waters of heaven. I have raised up a ladder to heaven among the gods. I am one who is with you.'

[Extract from Chapter 149-150: Conclusion of the papyrus/ An Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead/ The Papyrus of Sobekmose]

266 x 312 cm, Screenprint on dyed Vintage linen, screenprint applications, embroidery, hand stitched, 2023


‘I am a snake [whose] years are long, who sleeps (and) is born every day. I am a snake who is at the limits of the earth. I sleep. I am born. I am sound every day.'

[Extract from Chapter 87: the theme of transformation/ An Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead/ The Papyrus of Sobekmose]

142 x 151 x 6 cm, Screenprint on vintage mixed cotton and linen, screenprint applications, embroidery, hand stitched, 2021


‘Horus is the one who rescues (and) who impedes. Horus is his father. Horus is (his) mother. Horus is this [brother]. Horus is this friend. Horus came from the seed of his father when he was decaying. He rules Egypt (and) the gods serve him. Nursing millions, he causes millions to live through his Eye, sole one of her lord, the Mistress of All.’

[Extract from Chapter 78: “Going forth by day” logical conclusion/ An Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead/ The Papyrus of Sobekmose] 

231.1 x 142.2 cm, Indigo dyed linen & screenprint, screenprint applications, embroidery, hand stitched, 2021


‘I pass by the house of the king. It is the cicada who brings me. O (you) who fly to heaven, who illuminates the son of the White Crown and who guards the White Crown. [I] shall be with you, joining the Great God. Make a path for me (so that) I may pass on it.

[Extract from Chapter ?: An Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead/ The Papyrus of Sobekmose] 

241.3 x 168.9 cm, Indigo dyed linen & screenprint, screenprint applications, embroidery, hand stitched, 2021


‘To me belongs yesterday which is pregnant with tomorrow. Its births will rise on another occasion of his. (I am) the one whose ba is secret, who made the gods, who gives offerings to the protector of the west (side) of the sky, the steering rudder of the east, lord of two faces whose  rays  are  seen, lord of the elevations who goes forth at twilight, manifestations(...).’

[Extract from Chapter 64: Solar text - Coming forth by day and not preventing the BA/ An Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead/ The Papyrus of Sobekmose]

144x192cm, Indigo dyed linen 7 screenprint, Screenprint application, embroidery, hand stitched, 2020


‘To me belongs mankind, given wholly to me. I have entered as a falcon. I have gone forth. Morning star, make a path for me so that I may enter in peace into the beautiful West. I belong to the pool of Horus. Act for me so that I may enter and I may adore Osiris, Lord of Life.’

[Extract from Chapter 13: Vindication of the deceased/ An Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead/ The Papyrus of Sobekmose]

165x207cm, Indigo dyed linen, Monotype print & screenprint, screenprint applications, embroidery, hand stitched, 2021